Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36i4/23119
Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: 4, Pages: 94-99
Original Article
Uma Kulkarni 1 Ashwini Desai 2 Aditya Ingale3
1Department of Electrical and Electronics, KLE Dr. M.S.Sheshgiri college of Engineering and Technology, Belagavi
2 3Department of Electronics and Communication, KLE Dr..M.S.Sheshgiri college of Engineering and Technology, Belagavi
*Corresponding Author
Abstract:“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in hands of great teachers can be a transformational”. Going by the tagline, it is true nothing can replace great teachers but the teaching learning practices can be enhanced to transfer the knowledge in a more effective way. The pandemic years demanded sudden change in the teaching concepts, teachers did adapt to it but with limited resources and time. We are all now aware and know that to change is to evolve. We must enhance the teaching learning methodologies in a structured way. In this paper we are proposing a five point strategy to augment the Teaching Learning (TL) process. The points are selected based on the inputs given by participants through a pre implementation survey conducted by us. The points were later used to teach t w o s u b j e c t s b o t h f r o m E l e c t r o n i c s a n d Communication and Electrical and Electronics disciplines. The improvement in the learning curve was motivating.
Keywords: Cooperative learning (CL); Competency based learning (CBL); Flipped Class (FC); Teaching Learning (TL); Thinking based learning(TB)
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