D. Pratibha
P. Anurag
C. Nagamani
D. Sruthi Keerthi
- Anurag University, Venkatapur, Hyderabad, India
Undergraduate education plays a vital role in the career path of any Individual, be it in professional or nonprofessional program. Specifically, Technical Education demands a balance of practical exposure with Theoretical knowledge acquired by the students. In the previous years, this type of education which enables the student to spend part of his graduation period in Industry is abysmal in India.The system of Technical Education understands the role of Industry in a student growth in technical Education. In the present scenario of student centric learning where outcome based education is playing a vital role, Industry exposure will enable the students to understand the concepts he actually learns in classroom. This will help the institution to develop core engineering students.This paper gives a detailed study on the impact of Industry collaborative activities in the institution. The Under graduate students who have performed these activities were impacted directly in the form of placements. The students are from core engineering stream like Electronics and Communications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The students were involved in the activities like projects, internships and Industrial visits through the Industry Institute Interaction cell in the author�s Institution. The paper shows the complete 3 year data and the impact of each activity in the core engineering departments thoroughly.
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