Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2022, Volume: 35, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 131-136

Original Article

Development of Learning Guide with Project-based Blended Learning in Vocational High Schools during the Covid-19 pandemic


Abstract: The main objective of Project-based Blended Learning (PjBL) is to integrate the theory and practice learned by students. Students are given the task of designing, solving problems, and making decisions in completing a project. Students are based on guided learning, then they share work and work together starting from data collection, reading, analysis, and discussion to producing innovative products. The PjBL learning model is very relevant by utilizing a mixed teaching system between online (online) and offline (outside the network), another term called blended learning. Blended learning means a combination of face-to-face learning systems with e-learning that can be used by anyone. This study uses a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach. The result of this research is guided learning based on PjBL through google classroom. Learning media using google classroom is an alternative practical learning media that can be used during the current pandemic. The google classroom media is open to students thus the next researcher can make online learning media more attractive and accessible to anyone. This research implies that productive teachers can use digital media as a teaching aid. Using a PjBL model where students become more active and more creative.

Keywords: blended learning, google classroom, guided learning, project-based learning


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