Rashmi K. Dixit
Pratibha S. Yalagi
- Computer Science & Engineering, Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur,
Maharashtra, India
- Information Technology, Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Algorithms are like road maps for accomplishing a given well-defined task. It may be regarded as a backbone to the study of computer science. A Visualisation based intelligent tutor system (ITS) is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction to learners, usually without intervention from a human teacher. This instructional strategy have the common goal of enabling learning in a meaningful and effective manner as students can 'see' whats happening with each problem and get instruction for each next move. This environment provides smart way of learning through the website "visualgo.net"; a visualization based intelligent tutor system provides a mean for active leaning with previous knowledge of the subject. This tool explains the step wise working of algorithms along with visualization. It helps the learner to clarify concepts more precisely. The Control group and experimental group results are presented in this paper partially; supporting the effect of the usage of the visualisation based intelligent tutor system on student learning. The study shows that the use of visualization tool enhances the students learning ability and improves their concentration and interest in the subject. The test results are also improved accordingly.
- "Visualgo.net"-web based visualisation tool
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