Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 34, Issue: 1, Pages: 21-27

Original Article

E-Learning Based AutoCAD 3D Interactive Multimedia on Vocational Education (VE) Learning


ICT is an important part of the development of secondary education in many countries and becomes a debate subject for its impact on behavior, culture, and society. The addition of new technologies in learning process, especially Vocational Education (VE) can attract attention and even increase the learning speed. However, attentions must be placed to avoid excessive use and accomplishment of material delivery according to the requirements framework. The research focus is to develop an E-Learning based interactive multimedia AutoCAD 3D as an effective learning strategy in VE. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D). The instrument of this study are feasibility questionnaire for the expert team and the responses questionnaire for students after using E-Learning interactive multimedia. The study was conducted on 34 students of � 18-20 years old. Material experts and media experts recommend that AutoCAD 3D Interactive Multimedia meet the "Very Good" criteria. Acknowledgement is given by the opinions of students expressing the same thing, that this media is "Very Good" and can meet the current learning criteria. E-Learning based interactive multimedia becomes a reference to be developed at VE especially on abstract and concrete skills competencies.


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