Syed Khamruddin
Rohit Kandakatla
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KG Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, India
The use of technology in the classroom has been a regular practice in the 21st century learning as compared to the traditional teaching and learning. However, the technology has been identified as a separate set of knowledge by most of the instructors in their pedagogical practice which is causing problems in effective teaching and learning. This article describes the process of using the conceptual framework of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) which integrates the knowledge of educational with an instructor�s knowledge of pedagogy and course content, to technologically enhance a sophomore-level undergraduate electrical machines course. Concept map tool has been used to integrate and demonstrate the effective utilization of TPACK in the classroom teaching. The effective teaching learning process for the Electrical Machines course has been observed in this paper by designing a course website. The information in the paper will impact the effective integration of technology in teaching and learning process.
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