Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36i4/23124
Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: 4, Pages: 140-149
Original Article
Saraswathi Meena R1, Saranya R2, Neeraja U3, Senthil Shanmugam K4
1,2,3,4Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai, India
*Corresponding Author
Abstract :Peer learning is a process where one or more students teach other students and provides support throughout the learning process. Active learning is a process of learning concepts through thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. In order to improve the learning of students in the concept of "problem solving using C programming," peer and active learning approaches are implemented by forming groups. The general four methods for peer active learning, such as think-pair-share, the zig-zag method, the coding test, and mini project, are chosen as activities for the students. An unsupervised machine learning algorithm is used to create clusters of students based on pretest and posttest scores. With the help of the K-Means clustering technique, the increased change in student performance after peer active learning approaches is clearly visible.
Keywords : Peer Learning, Active learning, K-Means Clustering.
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