Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2018, Volume: 31, Issue: Special Issue, Pages:

Original Article

Introducing Programming using �Scratch� and �Greenfoot�


Programming is claimed to be the "literacy of the twentyfirst century", that it helps one to become a more empowered citizen. Although programming is a much valuable skill, novice students often find it very difficult and not interesting. "Scratch" and "Greenfoot" are two educational integrated development environments aimed at learning and teaching programming. Both software applications are freely available. Scratch is a graphical programming language developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media lab. Greenfoot aims at making the use of the standard language, Java, easy by providing a custom-designed environment that removes much of the complexity commonly associated with objectoriented programming. The proposed approach is to introduce programming through "Scratch" and "Greenfoot", where students experience programming by developing simple animation, games or simulations. This helps them to develop confidence and an interest to learn programming, thus setting a strong base to delve into programming using textual languages. The suggested method has been proven to provide a positive and supportive atmosphere in which students have acquired good programming skills.


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