Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 34, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 87-94

Original Article

Demonstrating the Biobriquettes Production using Variations in Particle Size and Binder Concentration using Audio-Visual to Vocational Students


The purpose of this study is to improve students� understanding of vegetable waste management through the production of biobriquette using audiovisual experimental demonstration. The study is conducted by conducting a pretest to assess student knowledge; teaching biobriquette using instructional video recordings and content explanations and finalizing video recordings based on the results of the first test analysis. Each step is thoroughly scrutinized with an assessment test. The experimental demonstration conducted by observing the biobriquettes production using peanut shells using variation in tapioca binder concentration (10, 20, 30 40, and 50%) and the peanut shell particle sizes (1184, 582, and 310 micrometers). The teaching analysis shows that students understanding has improved significantly after giving treatment using the audio-visual experimental demonstration as the media improves students� comprehension, gives more information, and stimulates students' curiosity and interest in the subject matter. This research provides new knowledge on the need for educational media to illustrate audio-visual experiments to increase student comprehension.


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