Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2022/v36is1/22186
Year: 2022, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 1, Pages: 148-153
Original Article
Vaibhav V Gijare1 , Hemant P Kasturiwale 2
1Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune
2Department of Electronics Engineering, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai
*Corresponding Author
hemant.kasturiwale@thakureducation .org
The process of identifying, collecting and interpreting information about students' learning is known as Assessment. To evaluate, measure, and document the students’ learning various methods and tools of Assessment can be used. It basically improves learning and also directs the ongoing teaching and learning process. Assessment system can help to develop attitude competency and mindset of the students. This paper discusses on the design and assessment system or method for developing attitude competency and mindset of learners discusses attitude competency, various competencies, competency based system of assessment (CBA), Competency-based assessment tools (CBT), and outcome of competency-based assessment (CBA).
Key Words: Assessment, CBA, CBT, competency, mindset.
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