Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 34, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 139-146

Original Article

Job Sheet Learning Media on Briquette Production from Coffee Grounds and Soybean Peel with Various Compositions and Particle Sizes for Vocational High School Students


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning outcomes of Vocational High School students about biobriquette using learning media in the form of instructional video and job sheet through experimental demonstration. The study was conducted through the pretest, theoretical explanation of briquettes using video learning, the first posttest, the presentation of material using job sheet media, and the second posttest. Briquettes production was done through drying, carbonizing, grinding carbon using a sawmill, sieving, molding, and drying. In the briquettes production, we varied the composition ratios between coffee grounds and soybean peel (i.e. 50:50; 60:40; 70:30; 80:20; and 90:10) and particle sizes (i.e. 1000, 600, and 250 ?m), which were mixed with tapioca flour as the binder. Physical characteristics of briquettes were analyzed through some analyses. Based on the physical characteristic results of briquettes, briquettes at ratio (60:40) with a particle size of 250 ?m have good Compressed Density (CD), Burning Rate (BR), and Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) characteristics. Based on the evaluation of the pretest and posttest results, the learning media improved students� knowledge and understanding of biobriquette. This study brings new information about the need for biobriquette learning media with experimental methods to improve vocational students' comprehension.


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