Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 33, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 402-407

Original Article

Persuasive Learning Strategies for Transforming Engineering Education


Education, be it Primary, Secondary, Higher or Engineering, all play their crucial roles in every individual's life. Among these, engineering education has always been in the limelight, which has become important for the young generation to march forward in the competitive world. Ameliorating Engineering education has become highly important since traditional and conventional methodologies of teaching and learning have curbed the creative aspects of learners. Though having a diverse atmosphere in the Colleges, the common ground wherein people interact is less. In order to infuse collaborative learning, spaces like Makers Space, Tinkering Labs, Design studios and many more are being built where individuals irrespective of discipline actively participate and work on their projects, thereby bringing a multi-disciplinary approach. Many Institutions are striving to enforce usage of technologies and various tools in their education system, yet thriving to achieve success. There is a need to understand the importance of technology, which drives innovative abilities among learners and educators. It is important to have strategic planning rather than statistical planning by eliminating the bureaucracy.


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