Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto
Alya Chairunnisa Tahira
Budiman Anwar
Rina Maryanti
- Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no 299, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the optimum binder composition and to teach students about the making of briquettes from a mixture of bamboo fiber with dried clove leaves. The methods are carbonization at 200-220�C for 7- 20 h, milling, sieving, stamping, and drying process with dextrin binder with concentrations of 20, 40, and 60%. The bamboo fibers and dried clove leaves are set at a composition ratio of 10:1. The particle size is mixed at the size of 600- 250 um; 250-89 um, and < 63 um. This research uses a learning video with an interesting subject about briquette production from bamboo fiber and dried clove leaves to analyze the effectiveness of learning video to 15 high school students, tested with 11 pre-test and post-test questions. To support the analysis, characterization of the briquettes is conducted. The experimental results show that briquettes made from bamboo fibers and dried clove leaves with a concentration of 60% have a good solidity, durability, fuel consumption, and moisture content, while the 20% have a good combustion ability. This research is important to reduce agricultural waste by recycling into briquettes for alternative fossil fuels, and the learning media through video enhances the comprehension of the subjects about biomass briquettes with dextrin binder.
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