Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 1993, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 29-33

Original Article

Improving Academic Climate of Polytechnics


Efforts are being made in the development of polytechnic education through World Bank Assisted project where a huge sum of money is being pumped into the system. The thrust areas are Capacity expansion, Quality improvement, and Improvement of efficiency. While faculty are being sent for training, sophisticated equipments are being procured and buildings are being constructed, there seems to be very little change in the method of curriculum implementation. Teaching-learning in polytechnics in specific, and the overall academic climate of the polytechnics in general, seem to remain more or less unchanged thereby raising a very pertinent question as to whether this huge investment would bring the desired change in the system I This paper has suggested a strategy for curriculum implementation where teaching, research, and developmental activities are integrated so as to make polytechnic job more challenging, motivating and satisfying and as a result create a better academic climate within the polytechnics. Although the strategy suggested is aimed towards polytechnics, it should be equally applicable to other institutes of same or higher level.


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