Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2022, Volume: 35, Issue: 4, Pages: 50-58

Original Article

Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS approaches to prioritize teaching solutions for Intellect Errors


Abstract: The teaching fraternity and intellects play an important role in students’ careers as they make students industry-ready. During their teaching, they make different types of errors. One of the neglected aspects during teaching is intellect errors and these directly or indirectly impact students learning capabilities. The scattered literature shows that there are twelve types of intellect errors like ‘error of coincidence’, ‘senses error’, ‘analogy error’, ‘subjectivity error’, etc. To minimize these errors, six solutions have been identified like ‘selection of right instruments’, ‘developmeand least rated intellect errors respectively. Thent of critical thinking in the students’, ‘aware about knowledge engineering development’ etc. This study aims to identify and prioritize the solutions to overcome the errors of the intellect that has been the ignored aspect of the teaching till now. A hybrid approach of fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and Fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) has been proposed to rank the solutions that minimize the intellect errors. Fuzzy AHP is used to compute the weights for intellect errors by doing the pairwise comparison and fuzzy TOPSIS is used to rank the identified solutions with the help of generated weights of fuzzy AHP. The results show that “error of proximity” and “senses error” are the highest topmost rated solution to handle errors of the intellect is “development of critical thinking in the students”.

Keywords: Intellect errors, fuzzy AHP, fuzzy TOPSIS, industry-ready


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