Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 956-961

Original Article

Empowering Women and Girls: Assessing the Impact of an Online Webinar on Legal Rights Awareness and Knowledge of DV Act 2005 in India


This research paper examines the impact of an online webinar on domestic violence awareness and knowledge of the Domestic Violence Act 2005 in India. It employs a two-group post-test experimental design to compare the knowledge levels of participants who attended the webinar with those who did not. The webinar aims to raise awareness about domestic violence, educate participants about the DV Act 2005, and empower individuals to take action. The findings will provide insights into the effectiveness of the webinar in enhancing understanding and knowledge of legal measures to address domestic violence. This research contributes to the existing literature and informs future efforts in designing effective awareness campaigns and educational interventions to combat domestic violence In India.

Keywords — Artificial Intelligence, domestic violence, webinar


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