Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36i3/23102
Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: 3, Pages: 93-114
Original Article
M Raju1 , Lavanya Sivapurapu2 , Mrunalini Sasanka3, Thirupathi Thumma4
1&2 K L E F (Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation) ,Deemed to be University, Vaddeswaram,Guntur,AP.
3&4 B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Telangana
*Corresponding Author
Abstract : This research article primarily focuses on how speaking competence can be enhanced by Socratic Questioning Approach. There are several methods and approaches formulated and applied at different levels to enhance speaking skills, but critical thinking and questioning attitude is still lacking at undergraduate levels. 32 heterogeneous professional undergraduate students (Creswell, 2018, p.157) have participated in a five months twenty-one days intervention study (Yin,2009 & Stake,1995, p.123) to know the desired outcomes. The pre and post-tests results have considerably and possibly been recorded during the study. CEFR (Common European Framework of References) CAN DO descriptors (Council of Europe, 2018 p.171), are adopted to assess the speaking competence. The pre and post-tests have been assessed based on CAN DO Descriptors. After employing Qualitative Research Methodology (Creswell, 2018) to analyze the data obtained through both succeeding and preceding tests, significant results have possibly been founded and observed that professiona l unde rgradua te student s have considerably enhanced their speaking abilities and competences. CEFR levels of individual performance and variations have scrupulously been observed. This research article ontologically asserts that professional undergraduate engineering students can enhance speaking skills by thinking critically and applying Socratics Questioning Approach (Paul,2006) implicitly and explicitly.
Keywords : CEFR, Critical Thinking, Intervention Program
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