Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2024/v37is2/24064
Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 369-376
Original Article
Jayanti Shinge1, Sanjay Kotabagi2
1Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, SMSR, KLE Technological University, Hubballi 580032
2Research Guide, KLE Technological University, Hubballi, 580032
*Corresponding Author
Abstract— Today’s engineer constantly delivers on both national and international work fronts which gives interaction in English language a key role. This requires teachers to work on their interaction abilities especially for the students who come from rural background. It has been observed that rural students find it difficult to get acclimatized and comfortable with the usage of grammatical concepts in real time situations. This observation necessitates researchers to cater to the needs of these students through proper pedagogical interventions for continuous improvement. Over the years many researchers have used many theories and approaches to enhance interaction skills of rural students but these studies have given temporary solution. Here lies major lacuna thus the current study focuses on how rural freshman engineering students’ interaction can be augmented with the Task based language teaching approach. TBLT is an approach that emphasizes the learning of language through the completion of meaningful tasks. It is based on the belief that language is best learned when it is used to complete a real-world task. It provides students with immersive and engaging learning environment and promotes the practical and effective use of language in real-life situations. The study uses quantitative research approach. A sample of 35 rural freshman students of Technological University is obtained and analyzed. Based on the Pre-Intervention Test and the Post-Intervention Test the results reveal that TBLT strongly augments rural students’ interaction in English language using CEFR’s Common Reference Levels: Self- Assessment Grid. After the intervention, students were requested to evaluate their performance using the assessment grid once again. Encouragingly, there was a clear indication of improvement in their self-assessment outcomes.
Keywords—Interaction; Engineers; Pedagogical Intervention; Task Based Language Teaching.
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