Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2006, Volume: 19, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 90-95

Original Article

A Look at "Teaching in Engineering Education":As a Profession


The job of a technical teacher is considered in the context of the term "Profession". Can technical teaching/teaching in higher education, be termed as a profession? An attempt is made to find out what exactly is a profession and to answer the question whether technical teaching is a profession.Views of two educationists, Myron Liberman (1956) and D,: P M. Sapre (2004) are presented and the main characteristics of a profession are worked out. In the light of this, it is shown that technical teaching cannot be granted the status of a profession.If so, why should we go in a professional status and how this can be done, has been elaborated by citing two examples, one of a NGO- the IGIP i.e. the International Society of Engineering Education (Switzerland) and another of a State Government - State of South Dakota of U.S.A.In conclusion, a question has been posed whether, we in India, operating in the field of Engineering Education, should go in for a professional status and if so how? The author had tried to answer this question.


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