Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 993-997

Original Article

Using STAD as an Assessment for Learning (AfL) in Mathematics


This research paper delves into the innovative application of Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) as an Assessment for Learning (AfL) tool within the realm of mathematics education. Assessment for Learning (AfL) is a pedagogical approach designed to enrich student learning by incorporating ongoing assessment practices to inform instructional strategies. Within this study, we explore the seamless integration of STAD into AfL methodologies, emphasizing its capacity to facilitate active assessment, provide real-time feedback by peers, enhance mathematical comprehension and academic performance, and ultimately nurture self-esteem and intrinsic motivation in the pursuit of mathematics education. Drawing from established theoretical frameworks and empirical insights, this paper underscores the dynamic potential of STAD as an AfL instrument, offering educators a potent means to assess and bolster student learning within mathematics classrooms. Through an exhaustive review of existing literature, this paper seeks to furnish educators, researchers, and policymakers with a comprehensive grasp of STAD's pivotal role in promoting effective mathematics assessment and cultivating collaborative and engaging learning environments. The research findings were meticulously analyzed employing paired t-tests to glean valuable insights into the impact of STAD as an AfL strategy on student outcomes. The results are also supported by student’s interview and teacher’s observations.

Keywords— STAD; Assessment for Learning(AfL); Formative assessment; Cooperative Learning; Mathematics education


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