Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2024/v37is2/24036
Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 156-164
Original Article
Somsubhra Gupta1, Paromita Das2, Biswarup Neogi3, Alok Roy4, Mainak Sur5, Manisha Maity6, Titlee Majumdar7
1,4,5,6,7Swami Vivekananda University, Barrackpore-700121, WB, INDIA
2Research Scholar, MAKAUT, WB, INDIA
3JIS College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kalyani-741235, WB, INDIA
*Corresponding Author
Received Date:12 January 2024, Accepted Date:18 January 2024, Published Date:20 January 2024
Abstract— Prior to the pandemic, one in every six children in the world was not in a formal school environment, with girls and young people facing poverty, living in rural regions, conflict zones, or with impairments outnumbering boys. The pandemic has compounded existing imbalances, as two-thirds of the young learning population—1.3 billion people—do not have dependable access to the internet in their homes, limiting their involvement in distant learning. Faced with growing economic insecurity in their families, millions of young people are being forced into child labour rather than returning to school. In the present work, we tried to address this concern with own innovation NOODLE stands for New Normal Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (published patent reference no. 202331012519A) (Gupta et al, 2014, Gupta et al. 2023) in which effort has been made to address the very basic need of primary education to the under- privilege children with a motivation of inclusive education. Music has been effectively used to catch the attraction of children viz a viz. addressing their basic need of nutrition and mental health. In the model formulation of the problem, the following facts are taken into consideration. During pandemic, virtual learning emerges with a crude fact that two third of the children don’t have the basic ambience like accessibility to the internet. This campaign of digital divide is almost the same as that of World literacy campaign by UN. In terms of productivity, educational stepping stone of OutcomeBased Education has been confined to one -third of the World children population. Most of the rest of the children are child labour at premature age. Especially in third-world and developing countries, however not confined to, parents are helpless due to poverty to engage their children and many of the children are identity less orphan. Rehabilitating this large child population is next to impossible, so the proposal is to “Heal the World! Make it better place” i.e. educate them in their present location through alternative available approaches linked to their job role. In the solution process, a Technology Enhanced Educational Learning model LEARN with NOODLE is proposed in which LEARN is acronym for Learn Earn Academic Relaxed Network.
Keywords—Digital Divide, Inclusive Education, LEARN, NOODLE, OBE.
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