Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 34, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 14-21

Original Article

Teaching the Effect of Limestone Particle Fixation on Batik Natural Color Density in Inclusive Classroom


The purpose of this study is to teach how the effect amount of limestone particles on batik color density on students in inclusive-setting classrooms. Experiments are carried out on two groups of students. Nine students from vocational school and five students from secondary high school from the science program. The research used single-subject research with multiple baseline designs between research subjects by comparing two groups in understanding the content through applying in functional activities by giving the same activities starting with a pretest, giving material, and posttest. The experimental procedure is started by sifting the limestone with coconut milk and tea sieve and soaking the lime solution for one night. Then, taking the solution and mixed it with turmeric powder. In obtaining other color variations, the sample is diluted into water to get 1:1 ratio. The experimental results show that the finer the lime particles, the darker the color and the stronger the lime concentration produce. It shows that the concentration of the solution greatly affects the color density. This learning method is capable of cultivating the curiosity of all students including students with special needs. However, for students with double disabilities, they require direct practice and concise guidance.


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