S. Sudhakara Reddy
S. Arumugam
S. Ajay Kumar
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Secunderabad � 500100, India
- Department of EEE, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Secunderabad � 500100, India
- Department of CSE, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Secunderabad � 500100, India
Undergraduate engineering students are vital part of any University / Institution and the institution should be in a position to show the good direction to them so that they will be placed in the good companies. The campus Recruitment procedure is based on, in-depth knowledge in the subjects and conducted through on line examinations. The conventional examinations based on pen and paper will not give the experience of an online examination. To overcome this drawback the autonomous institutions like ours have introduced the system of online examinations. The case study shows better results in the students' community in the online examination. This will help the students to face the placement drives in a better way in the future.
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- Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Robin H. Tate, Tom Tom Iwinski, Anil Kulkarni, (2017) Investigation of engineering student engagement and behavior in an online second-year thermal science course, J o u r n a l o f E n g i n e e r i n g E d u c a t i o n Transformations,Vol.30,No.3.
- Dr. Srinivasa Pai.P., Dr.Niranjan N.Chiplunkar, Dr.Shrinivas Rao.B.R., Dr. K. Subrahmanya Bhat, (2015) Undergraduate students' research: A Case study of their experiences and perceptions in an Autonomous Institution, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Special Issue: pp.3439.
- Dipali D. Awasekar, ShashikantA.Halkude, (2015) An analysis of Assesment Bias Influenced by Presentation and Writing Technique in Undergraduate Engineering Examination, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Special Issue: pp.93-98.