Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2024/v37i3/24015
Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 196-206
Original Article
Suresh H. K.1, M. B. Gorawar2, R. S. Hosmath3, P. P. Revankar4, and Shreeshail M.L.5
1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BVBCET, Hubli, Karnataka, INDIA – 580031.
2Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubli, Karnataka, INDIA – 580031.
3,5Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubli, Karnataka, INDIA – 580031.
4Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubli, Karnataka, INDIA – 580031.
*Corresponding Author
Received Date:12 January 2024, Accepted Date:19 January 2024, Published Date:24 January 2024
Abstract : Technology today is into challenging phase with teams built for management, design, research and development. Engineering has undergone change owing to computer tools that contribute exponential rise in productivity. Educators in India have responded on a positive note, with improved pedagogical practices reported. Governments have supported to percolate this change through New Education Policy that mandates institutes to adopt outcome based education. The initiative is part of OBE framework implemented in design and delivery of heat transfer and machine drawing laboratory courses at undergraduate level. The excitement through active delivery and assessment forms the bedrock of this change. The routine recipe lab is substituted by employer focused practice dimensions of obsolescence removal of and relevance factor. KLE Tech follows a dynamic curriculum design and delivery with inputs from all its stakeholders to make it truly responsive to contemporary change. This gave enriching experience by providing space to gather basic concepts and build on higher order skills. The high weight to continuous learning component (80%) eliminated student anxiety level due to panic in end semester assessment (20%). Overall improvement in student performance in lab courses was reported and scope to address higher learning levels was noticed. The average scores improved as 7- 8 grade pointer for both lab courses investigated with more than 30% score contributed by L3-L4 level task in heat transfer. The student scores were higher in lower level (L2) as compared to performance in demonstration and statistical analysis (L3-L4) due to the change being first experience in their lab conduction. The overall opinion stated the practice to be extended to all lab courses.
Keywords: Engineering Education; Graduate Attributes; Heat transfer, Machine drawing.
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