D. Anitha
D. Kavitha
R. Rajan Prakash
S. Charles Raja
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai - 625015, India
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg., Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai - 625015, India
Today's teaching learning process in education comprises variety of tools and techniques. A large number of active learning strategies are identified to make the student active and engaging. In spite of these developments, conventional style of passive teaching also exists. Research reviews ensure the fact that the practice of the active learning strategies engage the students positively and promote their performance. There is a concern whether the strategies are practiced rightly and always been a success. The inclusion of active learning strategies by the teachers is always made with the assumption that all the students enjoy and get engaged in learning. Is it the truth really? This research work attempts to find the difference in the perspectives of students and teachers in practicing different active learning methodologies. Few commonly used teaching learning strategies are identified, practiced and reviewed by a set of teachers and the students. The analysis of the obtained data reveals the existence of gap between their perspectives and indicates the need of adopting suitable pedagogy in implementing those strategies.
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