Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2022/v35i4/22108
Year: 2022, Volume: 35, Issue: 4, Pages: 95-103
Original Article
Rajesh Kumar Kaushal1, Naveen Kumar2 , S.N.Panda3, Vinay Kukreja4
1,2,3,4Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: The aim of this study is to discover which kind of scaffolding can effectively promote learning. The past studies have shown mixed results in this regard. The process in which a domain expert gives and withdraws support in order to make a novice learner complete the task is known as scaffolding. A total of four distinct scaffold combinations and four groups were made. This experimental study was repeated twice to cross verify the outcomes using computer based learning environment (CBLE). The CBLE was designed with intelligent web program in PHP and jQuery to evaluate the solutions submitted by the learners instantly. The CBLE acted as an intelligent feedback system. In the first study, it was found that there was a significant effect of different scaffolding treatments on the learning outcomes, F (3,76) = 5.762, p=.001. The result analysis involves multiple comparisons based on Tukey HSD test and indicated that the mean score for the indirect support and adaptive fading (M=4.45, SD=1.191) was considerably different than the others. Likewise, second study also found that there was a significant effect of different scaffold treatments on the learning outcome, F (3,76) = 4.258, p=.008. The Tukey HSD test applied during the second study indicated that the mean score for the indirect support and adaptive fading (M=4.55, SD=1.19) was again significantly different than the others. The present study additionally measured the flow state of all the four groups using Kruskal-Wallis H test and found that indirect support and adaptive fading group was significantly different than direct support and adapting fading group as well as direct support and gradual fading group in both the studies.
Keywords:Computer Based Learning Environment (CBLE),
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