Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2018, Volume: 32, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-30

Original Article

Enhancing Quality of Teaching-Learning through Knowledge, Research and Experience: A Case Study


An attempt has been made to present a case study for enhancing quality of teaching-learning process, where a structured approach has been adopted, putting emphasis on the factors 'knowledge', 'research' and 'experience' for teaching the subject 'Embedded Real time operating systems' to PG (Post graduate) students. Our aim is not only to enhance quality of teaching-learning, but also to strengthen the knowledge domain of the students, augment their research quality and skillsets through experiences in diversified ways. It has been proved that our structured approach not only addresses maximum program outcomes (those were, otherwise, not mapped through course outcomes), but also has motivated our students to acquire many skills required for their employability and enhance their global mobility.


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