Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36i3/23093
Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: 3, Pages: 8-17
Original Article
Rujuta Agavekar1 , Poonam Bhore1 , Himani Kadam1, Mrunal Moharir2
1Mechanical Engineering Dept.,
2Basic Sciences and Humanities Dept. Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: Outcome based education involves a student centric approach. Active participation of students in the classroom plays a significant role in the Outcome Based Education model. This paper explains the use of two active learning techniques viz. 1) Muddiest Point Technique 2) One Minute Paper for three courses taught to third year Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program. The Muddiest Point Technique was used for the course Computer Or i e n t e d Nume r i c a l Me t h o d s ( CONM ) by using Padlet as a tool to record the conceptual difficulties. One Minute Paper (OMP) was applied to the two courses, Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms (ASM) using traditional One Minute Paper and to another course namely Automation and Control Engineering (ACE) using goggle form. Students' responses to the survey questionnaire showed that implementation of these techniques improved overall understanding of the course content. It gives students a chance to communicate their conceptual difficulties without any hesitation.
Keywords : Active learning, Classroom Assessment Techniques (CAT), Covid-19 Pandemic, Hybrid mode, Muddiest Point Technique, One Minute Paper(OMP).
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