Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 484-491

Original Article

Effect of Q-Net demonstration-based educational approach on improving students problem-solving skills in the electrical machines course


In order to balance the time and course load, the author aims to introduce a demonstration-based teaching approach that will assist students, master the necessary course content and improve their independent problem-solving ability in a very short period of time. This study recommends using demonstration sets of problem-based learning exercises to measure the level of knowledge (apply and analyze). Statistical tools were used to describe the impact of the electrical machine demonstration kit course in the Mechatronics Engineering curriculum and to analyze the internal results. Using these techniques, teachers expect students to have a better understanding of the basics of the machine after learning and experimenting. The questions are answered and the conclusions are verified by the students using simulators based on laboratory experiments. In addition, three different types of electric motors—servo motors, stepper motors, and brushless DC motors are used for the study to demonstrate the proposed learning technique. Three different types of motors are compared via theoretical analysis, modelling, and experimental verification. The majority of students are able to supplement themselves and reach the right conclusions based on an examination of their problem-solving techniques. The suggested strategy can aid students in developing their problemsolving skills.

Keywords— Demonstration Kit, Problem solving skills, Creative question-based assessment, Q-NET, Electrical machines


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