Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v37i2/23152
Year: 2023, Volume: 37, Issue: 2, Pages: 82-92
Original Article
Ilir Doçi1, Shpetim Lajqi2*
1,2University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering Design and Vehicles, Prishtina, Kosovo.
*Corresponding Author
Received Date:12 October 2023, Accepted Date:13 October 2023, Published Date:19 October 2023
Abstract: All new students at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, take an Engineering Graphics course in the first semester. The subject is divided into two sections: Technical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry. To teach lectures, professors use didactic equipment such as LCD projectors and drawing on the table. Assistants demonstrate exercises by drawing mechanical parts in the table. In 2014, teachers began using digital presentations with animations in their lectures. They contain developed presentations using PowerPoint software with stepby- step animations of mechanical parts. The paper examines the effectiveness of this methodology from both the student and teacher perspectives. The study is based on a survey of students, teachers’ experiences, and a comparison of exam results. The analysis discusses the methodology's effectiveness, presentation quality, knowledge gained, ease of learning, impact on exam pass rate, and other benefits.The following are some key findings from this paper: students accept and favor this teaching methodology; it is more effective than hand drawing; it has a significant impact on exam pass rates; and it is simple to understand the lectures. Teachers like this methodology because it allows for step-by-step explanation with animations; repeating options; presentations are created only once, easy corrections, developing many examples of mechanical parts with less effort, and students can easily access them. The paper contributes to a new teaching methodology for students in their first year of Engineering studies, Bachelor level, in the subject of Engineering Graphics.
Keywords: Engineering graphics, Teaching methodology, Digital presentations, Animations, Higher education, Teaching survey.
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