Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto
Lisza Alya Rachmat
Dwi Lestari Rahayu
Nissa Nur Azizah
Dwi Fitria Al Husaeni
- Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of instructional media for vocational students regarding briquette material made of coconut (Cocos nucifera) coir and banana (Musa paradisica) peels with certain size variations using experimental demonstration method with learning video and job sheet application. The learning method used was the implementation of pre-test and posttest to students. Briquettes are made through several stages, include carbonization (250�C, 20 minutes), grinding, separation according to particle size, mixing, addition of binders, printing of briquettes, drying of the briquettes. When using 310-?m carbon and 20% of mixture of banana peels, the best composition briquette can be obtained because it has the highest BR values caused by high calorific value that material has as a content and the ratio of mixture that makes the biobriquette have a right density. The conclusion obtained is the job sheet learning media can significantly increase students' knowledge, however it is insignificant when compared to video because the job sheet serves as a guide for training all aspects of learning in the form of experimental guides or demonstrations. This study produces new information about the importance of job sheet applications for improving student learning outcomes.
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