Higher Engineering education is moving towards Outcome Based Education (OBE) wherein the quality of the teaching-learning process is adjudged by the abilities of the outgoing students measured during the academic programme and also after the completion of the programme In this manner, the assessment of the educational process is a bottom-up approach. However, curriculum development for the programmes is still a top-down approach. Moving forward, this orthogonality would impair OBE. This paper presents a methodology for curriculum development using bottom-up approach in-line with OBE. The methodology suggested is illustrated and discussed with the help of case study. The role of a teacher is redefined as a facilitator with curriculum development as his/her core functionality rather than being mundane with course delivery and assessment year after year.
Dr. Richard Dales, Fiona Lamb and Dr. Emma Hurdle, Engineering graduates for industry, Faculty of Engineering and Computing � case study , February 2010.
Rajeshwari Hegde, Manjunath P S, Nagabushana B S, Teaching Wireless Communication using Modern Tools for OBE Accomplishment, pp 374-380, CL-IGIP 2014 Conference, 3rd-6th December 2014, Dubai.
B S Nagabhushana, Rajeshwari Hegde, � Teaching-Learning Process for Industry Oriented Courses � A case study�, 3rd IEEE International Conference on MOOC�s, Innovation and Technology in Education, Amritsar, October 2015
Mangalayan in Mars Orbit, September 2014 full live video, available at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZL_Vwy0JqI