Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 34, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 43-48

Original Article

Developing a Media to Teach Chemical Technology to Students with Hearing Impairments


This study aims to develop chemical technology learning media through the production of dishwashing soap using sign language for students with hearing impairments. This study used a six-step research method by Borg and Gall, namely needs analysis, planning, video validation, media testing, media revision, and testing the revised media. The results of this study indicate that to create audiovisual media, instrument validation is necessary. Validation of the instrument serves to verify the videos. After the videos are validated, the videos must be edited based on the experts suggestions until the videos are declared valid and ready to use. The videos are tested on eight students with hearing impairments to teach chemical technology and dishwashing soap making. The results of the main field experiments indicates that the experiments are ineffective because the tests conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Besides, learning for students with hearing impairments is generally conducted face-to-face and the media is accommodated by some learning aids for material delivery.


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