Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2015, Volume: 28, Issue: 2-3, Pages: 131-138

Original Article

An Approach to Improve Employability Skills :eBridge


It has been observed (through feedback from the industry and surveys) that engineering graduates are lacking in the skills required to successfully apply subject knowledge and do not possess professional inputs required by the industry. The industry currently invests huge amounts in training newly recruited fresh graduates. Industry is eager to recruit graduates who possess the required skills. In a bid to satisfy industry demands, various kinds of trainings are being taken up in colleges to improve the employability skills among their students. The proposed method was implemented at college level and it was planned to start the events at departmental level. This paper presents these efforts made in Department of Electrical&Electronics Engineering(EEE) at Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College, affi liated to a state university JNTU, Hyderabad, India, to bridge the gap in the employability skills. The paper also proposes improvements in the current methods followed for better outcomes in communication skills, analytical thinking, and improvement in subject knowledge.


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