S. Saripudin
S. Sumarto
E. A. Juanda
A. G. Abdullah
A. Ana
- Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to obtain data from vocational school teachers about their perceptions of elearning learning activities in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents are vocational teachers who conduct learning activities using e-learning. This survey uses a questionnaire that consists of teacher knowledge of elearning, the preparation, the application, and evaluation of learning using e-learning. This research is descriptive with a survey method. Researchers distributed questionnaires to vocational high school teachers in West Java using Google Form from September to October 2020. There are 15 vocational schools with a total of 82 teachers. After that, the researchers analyzed the collected data. The results show that vocational school teachers perceive e-learning learning as a learning medium using the internet network. Furthermore, for the perception of vocational school teachers in preparing for e-learning learning, 60% state that they do not encounter problems, 71% of teachers mention it is easy to implement. However, as for the perception of vocational teachers in the e-learning evaluation is 73% state that e-learning still consists of learning content that is difficult for students to understand. The findings show the necessity of vocational teachers to have sufficient preparation when implementing e-learning to achieve the learning objectives.
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