Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 34, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 115-123

Original Article

The Effect of Electronic Module Utilization for Biomass Briquettes Experiment using Cocoa Shells and Sea Mango to Vocational School Students


The aims of this study are to identify the best carbon particle size and composition variations and to identify differences in student learning outcomes using demonstration experimental methods with learning video and e-module about the making of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) shell and sea mango (Cerbera manghas) based bio charcoal briquettes. Briquetting process is carried out by drying raw materials, carbonizing, grinding, sieving, briquetting, and drying. Thirty agribusiness vocational students are selected as the subject to see the effectiveness of learning video and e-module for understanding the bio charcoal briquetting process. Students' understanding is assessed by pretest, posttest after learning with a video, and posttest after learning with e-module. The results show that briquettes with high sea mango concentrations have a high burning rate, water boiling test, and low specific fuel consumption. Briquettes containing small particle sizes have high values of relaxed density, relaxation ratio, and percentage of durability index. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the e-module is more effective than learning video for the student because it can cover wider and deeper materials. However, giving learning video to the students is still necessary so they may have a better visual experience regarding the briquetting process.


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