Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 512-518

Original Article

Techniques for Strengthening 21st Century Learners' Critical Thinking Skills


Critical thinking, as opposed to technical or professional abilities, enhances intellectual capacities and promotes the development of multi perspective thinking. It promotes the growth of the mind's analytical and creative regions. Enhancing critical thinking abilities in higher education constructs an excellent platform for aspirant engineers. To analyze complex problems, investigate various techniques, and design solutions, critical thinking skills are required. The most vivid imaginations are born to artists and musicians. Teaching artists how to use software and graphics tools is relatively simple; however, transforming engineers into artists is far more difficult. Students who use visualization in their studies are encouraged to look at the world from various angles. Sports and academics complement each other well. There are also links between the arts, logic, and athletics. It is beneficial to understand the relationship between critical thinking and academics. This study covers some strategies related to puzzle solving, problem-based learning, design thinking, picture analysis, and experiential learning in order to develop critical thinking and practical problem-solving skills. Keywords— critical thinkers; Experiential Learning; Holistic edification; skills


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