Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2016, Volume: 29, Issue: Special Issue, Pages:

Original Article

T24S : Modified TPS Activity for Mathematical Courses to Improve Students' Fundamental Knowledge


Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is a Collaborative, active learning strategy, in which students work on a problem given by an instructor, initially individually, then in pairs, and finally together with the entire class. T24S is a modified TPS activity in which students initially think individually, followed by discussion on problem-solving strategies in pairs and then in groups of four students followed by share phase. This T24S method is useful for Mathematical based courses like Theory of Computation, mathematics, Earthquake Engineering etc. In this paper, the case study of mathematical course like Theory of Computation course of Computer Science and Engineering is considered. Theory of Computation is the course having mathematical orientation and the prerequisite for many courses in Computer Science and Engineering such as System Programming, Compiler Construction etc. This modified TPS activity is considered for Theory of Computation course to improve students' fundamental knowledge of the course and in turn to improve their performance of students in the examination. In this paper, one group Pre-Test Post-Test model is considered. Experimental results and student's perception about this activity are also presented. Also other active learning strategies considered for this course are explained to improve university results.


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