Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2020, Volume: 34, Issue: Special Issue, Pages: 391-395

Original Article

Student Centred Learning Using Student�s Learning Style


Traditional and modern teaching methodologies focus less on the learning style of a student. In countries like India, the average strength of the class is 60 and it becomes very difficult to focus on each student individually. Instead of being student centric, the current engineering education system is more teacher-centric. It is inappropriate to assume that the same learning methodology is applicable to all students. There should be an attempt to customize the lecture delivery method or teaching style suitable to address heterogeneous learners in the classroom. This study explores how one can use some part of cognitive psychology to determine the learner bias i.e. learning styles of each student which can be used in customizing the delivery of subject to make it more student centric. In this proposed methodology visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK) Model is used to determine learning style of the students. Depending upon the learning style of students, teacher modifies the classroom delivery methodology. Students are also provided learning resources and assignments based on their learning style. This approach is being tested on three different subjects of same class of second year engineering student of Information Technology. The test results post learning style methodology implementation are compared with earlier results for comparison. It has been observed that there is a notable improvement in the overall learning of each student. The implementation of student centred learning when aligned with the learning style of students can create a great impact on student�s performance.


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