Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2016, Volume: 29, Issue: Special Issue, Pages:

Original Article

Strengthening and Sustaining of Industry-Academies-Government Partnership through Continuous Process Improvement


In this 21st century many multinational corporations (MNCs) started moving to Asian countries both for design and manufacturing due to globalization of economy, raising middle class,desire to efficiently serve the local and export markets, and utilizing the availability of competent human capital. It is assessed that no industry would provide any donationto the institutes but ready to pay for the excellent services availed. From a comprehensive research, it is found that with the availability of large number of autonomous institutes, national institutes, and technical universities in India, there is a great opportunity to establish Industry-Academies-Government Partnership through executive education, research collaboration, product development and testing. Further, there is a need for dedicated centers of industry-academy-partnership with satellite units in the industrial hubs and corridors with enabling policies and empowered high performing faculty. The institutions have to extend support for mutual benefits so that the corporates can benefit from one-stop shopping and integrated research and development. The industries would support development and share the industry relevant outcome. The institutions have to charge the industry based on the realistic financial proposal based on the terms of reference (TOR). The institutes have to prepare business plans for various technical services like developing the executives and offer relevant services like testing, and extending the expertise. The institutes could develop separate units for offering technical services through dedicated satellite centers in collaboration with networked institutes, if required. Such an approach would enable the rural institutes to overcome the difficulties due to far off location from the industrial hubs.


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