Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2022/v36is1/22182
Year: 2022, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 1, Pages: 103-109
Original Article
Sunita M Dol
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur, India
*Corresponding Author
SysPro is an android mobile application for System Programming course of Third Year Computer Science and Engineering. The old version of this app with name “SysPro” is available on Google Playstore with very good statistics of total downloads - 5000+ and rating - 4.6. This course is core course of Computer Science and Engineering and base for the course Compiler Construction. So during pandemic for effective teaching of this course, the SysPro app is updated by modifying the content as well as adding new contents to existing app. So this SysPro app is modified and renamed SP (System Programming) app by adding more content and made available on Google Playstore with the name “SP App for System Programming” for benefit of the students. This app is also having rating – 5.0. This app contains Notes, PPT, Question Bank – Multiple choice questions as well as subjective questions, Handouts, Programs, and Quiz. In the new version, handouts are added which can be used by students during the laboratory session for implementing the problem statement of this course. In current study, one group post-test method is used to check the effectiveness of this tool on 72 students of Third Year Computer Science and Engineering. Statistical analysis using t-Test is performed on the marks obtained by students in Test. The t-Test shows that test result is statistical significant. Also the feedback is conducted to know the students’ perception about this new version of app using Likert’s Five Scale.
Keywords - SysPro, System Programming (SP), Android Mobile Application, Handouts, Program, Likert’s Five Scale
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