Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2022/v35is3/22132
Year: 2021, Volume: 35, Issue: Special Issue 3, Pages: 1-8
Original Article
Shiwani Gupta1*, R. R. Sedamkar12
Department of Computer Engineering, TCET, Mumbai
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: Today, there is a need to re imagine engineering education wherein the graduates should possess sound engineering knowledge and be globally employable with leadership qualities, ethical attitude, lifelong learning and social sensitivity. To make TCET an institute of national relevance; a lot of strategic shifts have been carried out over the years from its journey of an affiliated institute to being autonomous currently. We have planned, executed and monitored Choice Based Credit Grading System with Holistic Student Development (HSD) model as per AICTE model curriculum with the objective of making the budding engineers globally competent, locally relevant and skill oriented. The model has been designed taking inputs from reputed institutions abroad, feedback from stakeholders and a lot of brainstorming among experienced faculty members. The results of deploying this model on TCET students are promising and thus we propose the same to the outside world. The paper presents the efforts laid down over the years and the model in detail. We further propose a model with pointers from National Education Policy 2020 focussing Holistic and Multidisciplinary education, multiple exit options, Academic Bank of credit and option to obtain Degree with research alongwith experiential learning. We shall measure the proposed model on parameters as quality offerings, diversity and freedom of choice in offerings. Currently the measurements are presented in the form of survey results from stakeholders as the ones undergoing autonomy, batches prior to autonomy and the faculty members. Keywords: Holistic Student Development, AICTE model curriculum, National Education Policy 2020, Internship, Flexibility in choice of electives
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