Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2022/v36is1/22183
Year: 2022, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 1, Pages: 110-114
Original Article
Dr. M.Selvi1 and Dr. C.Sheeba Joice2
1 & 2 Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India
*Corresponding Author
Imparting engineering education to millennial learners is a challenge for the educators. An innovative teaching method, namely, MILA (Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm), was developed and implemented for an experimental set of learners of second year undergraduate learners of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The one-hour class session was broken into three twenty minutes sub sessions. Activity for each sub session was planned for effective learning. Revision period was included before the summative assessment. The performance of learners was assessed for a period of one semester, by way of Internal Assessments and End Semester Examination. The learners were observed to be very enthusiastic in learning and actively participated in the activities. The level of understanding the concepts improved which was evident in the end semester results. The learners who underwent conventional methods of teaching gave a pass percentage of 76.26, while the experimental set of learners gave a pass percentage of 84.03. Thus, proving the need for a paradigm shift.
Keywords— Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm (MILA), Active learning, T- Test
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