Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2022, Volume: 36, Issue: 1, Pages: 165-174

Original Article

Peer-Observation: An Intensive Study and its Impact On the Teaching-Learning Process


Abstract : Peer observation in teaching-learning significantly impacts students' learning and understanding experience. It improves the quality of the content delivery by the instructor and provides the learning opportunity to observer also. It is threefold learning from all perspectives. Thus, it is a collaborative idea sharing and achieving excellence by incorporating the best of others. Authors have experimented with the peer observation and feedback strategy to improve students' academic performance and overall teaching cum teaching experience. One semester activity has been conducted to conclude the significance of the study with the help of z and t statistics parameters with alpha value 0.05. Different peer observations are taken into consideration and incorporated to improvise the teaching-learning experience of facilitator and student. As a result, it has been found very helpful and impactful on the students' performance and the development of an instructor's teaching style. Peer observation helps explore thedifferent approaches that help adapt to future challenges in anagogical instructional approaches.

Keywords : peer observation, self-reflection, higher education, academic practices, teaching-learning process.


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