Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 532-537

Original Article

Magic in Computer Networks Class


Many institutions have been pushed by the recent economic crisis to reduce expenses by cramming students into huge lecture groups. Large auditoriums have the drawback of discouraging student-faculty interaction and limiting participation. Additionally, students typically discover that the discipline of computer science is replete with theoretical and technological notions. They get disinterested and/or unmotivated when there is a lack of understanding. The lecturer should use alternate teaching techniques, particularly for first-year undergraduate students, to pique their attention and introduce fundamental ideas, according to classroom experience. This paper has outlined a few strategies for engaging students and fostering a sense of ease while they learn fundamental ideas about computer networks.

Keywords— Dynamic teaching; Engineering Education; Flipped classroom; JIGSAW; Lecture improvement.


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