In technical education about 2.05,000 teachers join the colleges, mostly with bachelor degree. As or 11011, they are not having any worth while pre-service professional training in technical education. Almost 90% of the technical institutions do not provide suitable induction programme with appropriate mentoring service. The quality of technical education depends on the well trained and well performing lecturers. Hence, a model for 6 weeks induction training in their st year and another 6 weeks ill the second year has been suggested. In the first year instructional design, measurement and evaluation, and instructional materials and media are to be included. In the second year industrial visits, curriculum, reversely and professional development, research and development, and publication are to be ill eluded. To provide continued professional development, appropriate mentoring service is suggested. Considering the long term development of professional faculty, appropriate in service content updating programmes of master and doctoral degree have been suggested. If the problem of non-availability of qualified faculty ill technical education is not attended as GIL emergency measure, the country will be lagging behind needed human and knowledge capital.