Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2024/v38i3/24242
Year: 2025, Volume: 38, Issue: 3, Pages: 21-33
Original Article
Darius Gnanaraj Solomon1, Grace Rebecca Polavarapu2, Preethi Sheba Hepsiba3, Edison Gundabattini4
1School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC), Vellore Institute of Technology, India 632014
2Department of Radiology, Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, India 632004
3Department of CSE, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore 560037
4Thermal and Energy Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC), Vellore Institute of Technology, India 632014
*Corresponding Author
Abstract :Information and communication technology (ICT) tools have been widely used in teaching and learning during the past two decades. ICT tools enhance, support, and optimize the delivery of information. ICT tools improve teaching methods and enhance effective student learning. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, online teachinglearning methods helped teachers and students carry out teaching-learning effectively while following the guidelines prescribed by the health department for preventing the spread of the disease. The recently implemented competency-based medical education system (CMBE) in India uses e-learning as a key tool for self-directed learning. The National Medical Commission (NMC), the leading organisation in charge of medical education in India, has acknowledged the value of online learning. Many online collaboration tools for students, as well as teaching tools for teachers, are described in this paper. Innovative online learning methods are illustrated with schematic graphics showing their inter-relations. Multiple approaches to effective learning are discussed in detail. The challenges experienced by teachers and students during online teaching andlearning are presented. It is shown that the innovative use of open educational resources (OER), massive open online courses (MOOC), and YouTube videos by teachers and students produce synergy in the online teaching-learning process. The way forward in the post-pandemic era and case studies from various higher education institutes in India are discussed.
Keywords - Digital Learning, Collaborative Tool, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Effective Learning, Team-Based Learning, Health Professional
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