Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2024, Volume: 37, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 362-368

Original Article

Inducing Imitation Technique as a skill to acquire English Language Proficiency of Engineering Students


Abstract——Engineering students are tomorrow’s problem solvers. They are going to provide technical and innovative solutions and services to solve societal problems and make life easier. This necessitates today’s engineering student to acquire numerous skills to prepare themselves for not only national work front but also international work front. The ever evolving and challenging role of today’s engineer makes today’s students work on building and updating themselves on the required core technical skills but they fail to work on their English language skills. For many engineering students it has been observed that they have anxieties associated with the English language which in turn hinders their performance. This study is a humble try to induce Imitation Technique as a skill to help engineering students acquire English language Proficiency. Lot of work has already happened on how to improve students English Language skills but this study has an edge over by providing a unique method to not only learn English language but acquire English language without juggling through the tough grammatical rules of the language. The study focuses to strengthen the twelfth Program Outcome of the Engineering Attribute that is “Life Long Learning.” The study was conducted on freshman engineering students of a technical University. The study used quantitative research approach. The study investigated what are the apprehensions and anxieties students have towards English language and how Imitation Technique helps them overcome their apprehensions. The Public Speaking Class Anxiety Scale (PSCAS) was used to find out the pre intervention status and post intervention results of the students. The post intervention status shows reduced English language anxiety level and how students have successfully been able to acquire English language through Imitation technique.

Keywords—Engineering students; English language Anxiety; Imitation Technique.


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