Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Journal of Engineering Education Transformations

Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 292-296

Original Article

Impact of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in an Engineering College: A Case Study


Undergraduate engineering education should be effective in preparing students for multidisciplinary system integration and optimization to become innovative and gain a competitive advantage in this global economy. Moreover, it is essential to embed the aspect of community engagementimparting mutual learning and respect and encouraging involvement in engagement activities. This paper highlights the case study of an Entrepreneurship Cell in an engineering college: its aim, purpose, and objectives and how the authors' college’s E-Cell in particular has conducted different forms of events to satisfy them and make technologically equipped students well-versed in other aspects like finance, marketing, creativity and communication skills. It also reflects on the importance of community engagement, networking, and connection building for the exchange of ideas and strengthening the basis of the E-Cell. Hence, the establishment of an E-Cell in an engineering college educates the students all about starting and running their venture and involves them directly working in their start-up as a community through the medium of Campus Companies. Keywords— B-Plan; Campus Company; Entrepreneurship; ECell; E-Summit; Student Startup.


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