Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2022/v36i1/22146
Year: 2022, Volume: 36, Issue: 1, Pages: 148-157
Original Article
Zachariah John Aviles Belmonte1 Carl Sebastian C Cruz 2 Prince Adriel P De Castro3 Lexter A Estoesta4, Elijah John A. Mitra5, Pamela Eyre Victoria R Lira6
*Corresponding Author
Abstract : In the Philippines, students exhibit a low interest in entrepreneurship despite numerous programs implemented and mandated by the government. The emergence of technopreneurship is now confronted by several issues, mainly in developing competent and versatile technopreneurs. Until now, there are inadequate studies related to technopreneurship specifically those dealing with technopreneurial intention among engineering students. This study aims to determine the factors associated with technopreneurial intention. Simple random sampling was used to collect necessary data from 200 undergraduate engineering students from selected universities in the Philippines. Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Correlation Analysis were used to test the hypotheses and examine the relationship between independent and dependent variable respectively. The findings revealed that among the five identified factors, only Comput er Abi l ity, Access to Capi tal , and Entrepreneurial Experience have a significant and p o s i t i v e e f f e c t o n i n t e n t i o n t ow a r d s technopreneurship
Keywords : Computer Ability; Entrepreneurial Experience; Entrepreneurial Orientation; Internet Ability; Technopreneurial Intention
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